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St Michael's on Wyre

CE Primary School & Nursery

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Wider Opening Information

    Fri 19 Jun 2020 M Jackson

    Thursday 18th June 2020


    Dear Parents


    Latest news regarding the wider opening of schools in Lancashire                                   


    On Monday 15th June, the Director of Public Health for Lancashire advised schools in the area that they can open up to more pupils if they are ready to do so. In his press release, Dr Sakthi Karunanithi acknowledges that:


    “Each school in Lancashire is different, and head teachers will need to consider a number of factors as they reach their decision, including their ability to introduce measures to encourage social distancing and ensure schools are Covid-secure.”


    He also states that:
    “As has been the case throughout the emergency, all schools continue to be encouraged to admit vulnerable pupils and those of key workers as long as their risk assessments suggest it is safe to do so.


    As a school, we have a high number of keyworker families.  We are currently operating at maximum capacity, based on the size of our school, staffing and the social distancing measures we have put in place, in line with government and Lancashire guidance and our resulting risk assessment.  Our classrooms are set up so that children are spaced 2m away from each other and the teacher. Social distancing is also encouraged at drop off and collections time and during break times.  Bubble groups do not mix and the same member of staff looks after their bubble every day.  Regular handwashing is taking place, as is a rigorous approach to cleaning, which includes a deep clean every Friday. We are confident that we are doing everything we can to protect our children, staff and their families. Can we also remind parents with children in school that it is crucial for you and your families to follow government guidelines on social distancing outside of school hours, to minimise any possible contraction and spread of the virus.   


    Unfortunately, we cannot offer before or after school provision.


    Dr Sakthi Karunanithi confirms that as a region we are seeing numbers coming down, but also states the following:

    “It is important to stress that the prevalence of coronavirus is still higher in Lancashire than elsewhere in the country so the room for manoeuvre is limited.”

    We intend to continue with this approach.  This means that we have little space to welcome back additional non-keyworker children before the end of the summer term, with the exception of a small group of Year 6 children who will be joining us from next week 22nd June.  This group will form a new ‘bubble’ in Ash Class and will be supported by Mrs Helm.


    We will of course continue to support our home learners with our weekly lesson updates and resources.  We have also started implementing new ways of engaging with home learning via Google Classroom. 


    We hope that you understand the challenging situation we find ourselves in and we thank you for your continued support during these difficult times.


    Lancashire and Government Guidance is changing regularly.  We hope to receive information soon about how we approach re-opening school in September.  Further information will be communicated as and when we receive it.   


    Dr Sakthi Karunanithi’s full press release can be viewed on the Lancashire County Council website, under latest news, or by following this link:

    Yours faithfully,


    Mrs M. Jackson

    Assistant Headteacher




  • Phased Return Information

    Thu 11 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents,


    Places for phased reopening of school for Key Worker, Nursery, Year R, Year 1 & Year 6 children

    From Tuesday 2nd June, subject to the Government being satisfied that the 5 tests have been met, school will be open Monday to Thursday 8:30am-3:00pm. School will be closed on Friday to children for a deep clean and preparation for the next week. We recognise this is not a perfect scenario, but at this juncture it is imperative that our school is cleaned thoroughly and staff have the opportunity to plan for the following week, both for those in school and those at home.


    As a school we are following all government guidance. The decision about which year groups to return in the first instance has very much been driven by the large increase in key worker children needing to attend school. Therefore, some priority year groups will be staggered over the rest of the term. A non-key worker year 6 group will not return until week commencing 15th June. Please note that arrangements may have to change depending on how the government decides to proceed.


    Children will mainly be grouped into year groups, known as ‘bubbles’, with the maximum number in each group being 10. When in school, children will only mix with the children in their bubble, including at lunch time and play times. Lunches and play times will be staggered as much as possible to minimise risk. Children may return to school on either a full-time or part-time basis (mornings only), working around your needs as a family.


    Careful consideration has been given to staffing and most children will remain in their bubble with their class teacher. Due to class space some children will not be in their usual classrooms. All rooms will look different. The majority of staff will be returning to work in school and all staff will continue to provide activities and online support for those children and year groups remaining at home.


    Please note if there is a confirmed case of Covid-19 within a group, the entire group will be sent home and asked to isolate for 14 days. The arrangements we have been asked to put in place involve all the school staff team and therefore there is the possibility of groups being asked to remain at home if there is a staff absence.


    The school office will remain closed after half term. Mrs Green and Miss Kippax can be contacted by phone or email but will not be available at the hatch.


    To ease the return to school and to provide children and parents with as much knowledge as possible regarding the new arrangements photographs are being provided to help communicate information.


    Drop off times


    Parents will receive an email communicating designated drop off and pick up times. Drop off times will be staggered to reduce the number of people arriving to school at the same time.  This is to minimise contact between adults and children. Only one parent may drop off their child/ren. If a family misses their scheduled spot, they should wait in the car until after the last family has left the school premises, or they are advised by a member of staff that we are ready to receive their child/ren.

    On arrival to school family groups will be asked to stand on one of the white spots at the front entrance.

    Children will then be called through either a family at a time or individually. Hand sanitiser will be available at the gate and children will sanitise before making their way through to their classroom. Parents will not be allowed through the entrance gates under any circumstances. Staff will be available to walk younger children through to their allocated classes.


    Pick up times


    Collection times will start at 2:30pm. These will be staggered by year group.  We are intending to start with the KS2 children Y5/6, Y3/4, then Year 1 and finally Year 2 so the older children can sensibly go and wait in the car whilst parents collect sibling children in Nursery or Reception.

    Teachers will lead their class out on to the main playground and position each child on a white spot near to the green gate. Parents will stand on the white spots on the other side of the gate and their child will be sent straight to them. If you are waiting for a younger sibling, KS2 children will be asked to wait in their cars whilst their parent waits for their younger child(ren).  Reception / Nursery children will be dismissed last.  When all children have been collected, parents are encouraged to move immediately to the car park and discouraged from socialising there.



    School Uniform


    We have been advised that children should wear school uniform and if possible washed daily. Spare uniform will be available from the good as new stall if parents wish to have extra kits for washing purposes. Please advise the office if you require access to it.  Children may wear trainers so they are able to work / play outside as much as possible. On designated PE days, children will come to school in their PE kit. Children will not need to bring anything else to school other than their coat, a sunhat, water bottle and a piece of fruit for snack. No bags or pencil cases will be brought into school.

    On warm days, sunscreen should be applied at home before coming to school. Adults will not be able to apply any suncream in school.  Children will be kept in the shade / inside if temperatures are very high. Due to government guidance and to minimise the spread of the virus, reading books will not be brought into school or changed. 




    Although government guidance acknowledges that younger primary school children may not be able to follow instructions and adhere to strict social distancing, each room (except those being used by nursery children) has been set up taking into account social distancing guidance, to minimise risk. Parents of returning children are asked to spend time with their child explaining what school is going to look like and what group they will be in, to help minimise the potential impact when they first arrive at school.

    Children will be allocated a work station where they will sit each time they attend school. Coats, fruit and water bottles will be kept at their station. School will provide necessary equipment to be used throughout the day and it will be cleaned regularly throughout the day.


    Children will be required to wash / sanitise their hands frequently: on arrival at school, before and after break times, before and after eating, before and after P.E. and before leaving school. Hand sanitiser with moisturiser, soap, tissues and lidded bins will be provided for each room.  Tables will be wiped down regularly throughout each day. Children will only be permitted to use the toilets allocated to their ‘bubble’ and only one child will access the toilets at a time.

    Lunch time and break times

    A cold lunch will be provided by school to all children who have requested it for week one.  Hot lunches may be provided from week two. Each ‘bubble group’ will eat their lunch in their allocated room. Lunch times will be staggered to help us follow social distancing guidelines and minimise pinch points. Children bringing packed lunches will be advised to bring a box rather than a bag and for boxes to be wiped on entry and exit from school.  Lunch boxes will be stored on/ under the child’s desk.

    The outdoor area (field and playground) has been divided into six areas (four areas on the field and two areas on the playground). Each group will be allocated a play area.  Play equipment will be provided for each group and sanitised after each use.  Morning break times will be staggered to minimise the volume of children entering their designated play area.



    Teaching and learning

    Although we recognise that teaching and learning is going to look a little different for some time staff will do their upmost to ensure children feel welcomed, safe and comfortable in school. In the first week, additional PSHE/wellbeing activities will be planned, to help manage children’s return to school. Activities about keeping safe whilst in school, handwashing and hygiene as well as mental wellbeing activities will be a priority.  

    Children remaining at home will receive the same activity timetable as their peers learning from school, as much as possible. Google Classroom will be set up over half term so children at home, at allocated times, will be able to communicate directly with their teacher and peers in school. Please note that due to this increase in staff workload, the frequency of replying to emails and response time is reduced.




    Parents in nursery are asked not to send ‘To and Fro’ bags, blankets, toys or comforters to nursery. Those in nursery who require nappies / spare clothes are advised to send in enough at the beginning of the week to minimise movement to and from home. Limited play equipment will be available, with soft, fabric toys being stored away. Plastic play equipment that is allowed out will be regularly cleaned throughout the day. The water tray will contain sterilised water and children will wash their hands before and after use.  Children presenting with runny noses, coughs or sore throats will be advised to stay at home until symptoms subside.

    Whilst we recognise that children in nursery will struggle to follow social distancing guidelines, staff will encourage them to play as safely and carefully as possible with frequent handwashing throughout the day.




    All staff will have the option to wear PPE equipment if they feel more comfortable.

    Whilst we realise this is a lot of information for you to read and digest, it has been imperative that we make school as safe as possible for everyone in attendance, both staff and pupils. Careful thought and consideration, alongside government and local authority advice has gone into planning this phased return.


    I would like to thank you as parents for your continued support and consideration of school and all the staff at this time. As we go through this difficult transition period, please let us know if there are any problems. Please also continue to get in touch if you need any support.


    Very best wishes

    Diane Carroll



    Government information for Parents and Carers:



  • Latest Information

    Thu 11 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents,

    We want to inform you of Lancashire’s decision  about whether to reopen schools to more children. Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, Lancashire’s Director of Public Health, has advised not to further open schools on 15 June. Therefore, we will continue to welcome children of Key Workers and Vulnerable Pupils and have already this week increased our provision for Key Worker children. This reflects the daily increase in Key Worker parents requesting access to this provision. As we are here to support Key Worker families as a priority, the steady increase in numbers will limit the capacity for us to admit further pupils in the future. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Carroll via email or phone.


    Please see the statement released from Lancashire County Council yesterday:


    Message from Edwina Grant OBE - Executive Director Education and Children’s Services


    I am writing to let you know that our Director of Public Health has reviewed his guidance that schools and settings should not welcome more children and has determined that it should not change.


    That means Dr Sakthi Karunanithi is advising that you should continue to delay reopening. It is still the case that he believes two of the five government tests are not being met in the county.


    Although the number of new cases has decreased, Lancashire and the North West has a high number of cases compared to many other regions in the country.


    Similarly, although the weekly death count in Lancashire is showing a downward trend, a consistent decline is not being seen in all areas, and in recent weeks we have seen an increase. It has also been widely reported that the R value for the North West is above 1. Locally, all partners are working closely in the development of our local response to support Test and Trace.


    Although some progress has been made, more work needs to be done to properly embed local expertise into the national NHS Test and Trace system.


    Lancashire people have worked so hard throughout the pandemic in keeping the virus at bay. With various national lock down measures lifting, we need to remain vigilant in following social distancing rules to help prevent the infection spreading. 


    This advice will be reviewed again next Monday, and if it changes, we will encourage you to take the decision to reopen to more children from 22 June if deemed safe to do so. I appreciate that the decision to welcome back more children lies with each setting and school, in consultation with their board of governors, owners or managers, taking into account your individual circumstances. I know these are difficult decisions for you, and we are here to offer advice and support.


    As has been the case throughout the emergency, all schools and settings are encouraged to admit vulnerable children and those of key workers as long as your risk assessments suggest it is safe to do so. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.



    Thank you again for your continued support

    Kind regards


    Diane Carroll
