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St Michael's on Wyre

CE Primary School & Nursery

Shining Brightly, Achieving Greatly, Cherishing Community

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  • Ice cream treats!

    Tue 20 Jul 2021

    A lovely end to the year. Thank you to the PTA for our ice cream treats!

  • Mission Statement Stars

    Tue 20 Jul 2021

    Each term we celebrate who have demonstrated they are fulfilling our mission statement on a daily basis. A certificate is awarded to three children in each key stage; one who is shining brightly, one who is achieving greatly and one who is cherishing community. Like the stars of the week, children are awarded certificates and also receive a star pin badge to wear on their uniform. 

    A big congratulations to this term’s mission statement stars-Ronnie, Sophie, Seth, Alice, Sam, Sam and Jess.

    Here’s why they were chosen;

    Mission Statement Star: Ronnie 

    This year has been a difficult year for all the children. However, throughout it all we have seen Ronnie shine very brightly, particularly over the last few weeks. Ronnie has been very resilient, he has taken everything in his stride, and he has shown much determination to chase and achieve his goals. Ronnie has faced some challenges over the last few months but has shown great determination and has worked tremendously hard to turn things around. For this, we are extremely proud of him. Ronnie is now proving he has a strong and growing awareness of making good choices both at nursery and at home. Ronnie is a much-loved character within nursery with all his peers.

    We know Ronnie will flourish in Reception and as he moves through school; his strong desire to achieve his goals will continue to see him grow and succeed throughout school. Thank you, Ronnie for being our mission statement star; you are shining brightly, achieving greatly and cherishing community.




    Shining Brightly:  Sophie 

    The KS1 Shining Brightly achievement this term is being awarded to an individual who has been dazzling us all since she moved up to Elm Class last September.  We could write a very long list of reasons that help to describe the glowing personality and positive attributes of this worthy winner but here is an acrostic poem instead! 

    Our Shining Brightly star is... 









    Congratulations, Sophie Jones - you have been an absolute pleasure to teach.  You are enthusiastic about your learning every single day. You put maximum effort into everything you do.  You are a caring and patient friend and a brilliant learning buddy, always encouraging others in class to shine brightly too.  You have demonstrated great concentration and determination throughout the year and there is no doubt in our minds that you will continue to sparkle as you move into year 3 and key stage 2. 


    Achieving Greatly: Seth 

    Seth, I am so proud of you and everything you have achieved this year. You started school in September, a shy and apprehensive leaner but now you are confident, enthusiastic, and so eager to get involved in everything that we do here at school. It has been lovely to help you progress this year and to watch you flourish in your subjects. Although at times, it has been a challenge and the year has been filled with uncertainty, you haven't ever given up. Your determination is amazing! You are now aware of the class rules and how to set an example to others and you are much more independent. Keep working hard and trying your best. Don't forget that practice makes perfect and just because you can't do something yet, doesn't mean you won't be able to do it one day. Well done, Seth, you are a little star


    Cherishing Community: Alice 

    Alice is someone who puts other people's feelings before her own. Friends are important to her, and she understands what friendship means. Alice is always aware of this when she is playing and interacting with others and demonstrates a kind heart in everything she does. She always has a huge smile on her face in whatever she is doing, and this warmness radiates to others around her. Alice approaches everything she does with enthusiasm and determination. She makes sure that everyone is included in her games and doesn't like to see anyone left out or upset. Alice really does cherish her community; she cherishes her friendships and values everyone. Thank you, Alice, for being such a kind, caring and supportive member of our school.


    Shining Brightly: Sam 

    I did what I always ask the children to do and looked in the thesaurus to try to find a word that means more than just proud. I found contented, satisfied and impressed but none of them seem to be able to help me explain just how this young man has made me, his peers and the staff at St Michael’s feel.

    It has been an absolute pleasure watching him overcome difficulties, work with passion and truly flourish, each day bringing a huge smile to my face. I feel truly honoured to be part of his journey and privileged that I have been able to watch the transformation he has made.

    His time in Beech Class hasn’t always been an easy journey but the effort he has put in, to turn his attitude towards life around, is nothing short of remarkable. He has taken countless amounts of feedback on board which has not only enabled him to progress academically, but emotionally and socially too. Coupled with this, he has shown his peers what a wonderful, polite, charming and funny boy he is. He is truly loved by all. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him grow (not just in height and his hair) but into a mature member of the class who consistently brings enthusiasm, quirkiness and fantastic general knowledge into our Beech Class family.

    He is leaving us as a well-mannered, curious, intelligent, conscientious, popular young man and whoever is involved in the next part of his journey is extremely lucky. I am excited to see what the future holds for him. Well done, keep up the hard work and keep smiling. I am so proud of you, Sam.


    Achieving Greatly: Sam 

    Sam has been a model student ever since arriving in Willow Class. It has been fantastic seeing his ability and confidence across all subjects grow exponentially. His is naturally talented but this is coupled with a fantastic work ethic which has culminated in results that he should be really proud of. He has comfortably achieved greater depth across all his 2019 SAT tests and blown his Year 5 scores out of the water. During lessons, he listens intently and regularly contributes to discussions; other children gravitate to him for ideas and feedback and his calm manner instils confidence in others. I have been so impressed with Sam over the two years I have taught him and I feel really proud of his progress. I have no doubt he will continue to achieve greatly when he moves on to high school and I look forward to hearing about how well he is doing. Well done.




    Cherishing Community: Jessica

    Jessica has been a credit to the school and a fantastic asset to Willow Class over the past few years. Whenever a job needs doing, Jess will regularly offer straight away and is always keen to help. Only recently, she helped tidy the bookshelf and order the books as well as regularly offering to help around the classroom in every lesson. During lessons, she will endeavour to help others if they are struggling and is a fantastic help to others. We often joke about Jessica asking questions but it just shows how keen she is to learn and get things right and this is a brilliant quality that we can all learn a lot from. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed teaching Jess; she is a lovely character in the classroom and sets a great example to others. Well done

  • Bouncy Castle fun!

    Fri 16 Jul 2021

    More fun was had by Nursery on the bouncy castle!

  • Water Fun

    Fri 16 Jul 2021

    Our Nursery children loved their water fun session this morning, especially getting Mr Watt wet!

    See more fun pictures in the gallery

  • Art Auction

    Thu 15 Jul 2021

    Our Art Auction begins at 6am on Monday 19th July. Check in to your child's Google Classroom to view the art and make your bids.

    Here is a sneak preview of some of the finished paintings!